Teav Chhun Nan
DeanMr.Chhunnan used to work as Dean College of Science and Tec...
2006Research Internship: Optimization of service deployment on Grid networkInstitute of Technology of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, CambodiaEngineering degree of Computer Science
2007Institute National des Sciences Appliqués, Lyon, France Attended Master Program Major Information System
Mr.Nipaul used to work as Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), Phnom Penh, Cambodia Taught the following courses: Introduction to Computer, C Language, Data Structures and Algorithms,Databases, Internet Programming (Php/MySQL), Object Oriented Programming (Java), Logic.Senior developer – UDAYA Technology Co. Ltd., Phnom Penh, (Currently)Lead the project: Tour Website, Restaurant Management System, HR Management SystemLecturer and Lecturer at University of Cambodia .